“Ten seconds to the clinic”

Fatma Mabrouk Khamis, 43, Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, about the virtues of living in Fumba with her 5-year-old son.
Eight months ago you became a resident of Fumba Town. What do you like most?
The sense of community and security. For a single working mum like me the support system around is ideal. If I have to stay longer hours at work I can easily reach out to my neighbours and know my son is in good hands until I’m back.
How about infrastructure?
Although the town is still new, the infrastructure is already fantastic. It takes me 10 seconds to walk over to the Urban Clinic where we are patients of Dr. Jenny. I order a pakacha veggie basket from Bi Mwatima’s Msonge Farm and it is delivered to my home.
Oh yes! I am relying on a good internet connection since I am continuing my studies online. Fumba Town is equipped with high-speed fibre optic cable, so the Wifi is very reliable.
You study at night besides having a very hectic and demanding job?
Luckily the classes are twice a week, and during late evenings and I try to reserve Sundays for revision.
How do you compare Egypt, where you were raised, and Zanzibar?
Growing up in Cairo as a child was amazing! My family was there, and I still consider it my second home. When I returned back home, I had a culture shock. But when I got my first job in Zanzibar as the front office manager at Karafuu Hotel, I slowly started to re-adjust to ‘pole-pole’, now I can’t picture myself living anywhere else!
..and you are one of the proud female house owners of Fumba…
I have always been a crusader for the cause of women. I started my first business at 27. We launched the Women Chamber of Commerce last year with the aim of empowering women.
With all that in mind, when do you have time to enjoy your 3-bedroom town house in Fumba?
On weekends. I like to watch comedy and sci-fi movies, my favourite movie is “Be Cool” by John Travolta. I enjoy sports, particularly basketball and table tennis. With all that parking space, perhaps I could get a mini pitch in my front yard.
What else do you like to do?
I also like cooking with my son on weekends. We go swimming and take what we call ‘bond walks’ on the beach and catch up with each other’s weeks.
