Invest Now, Relax Later

The first units of the leisure set-up around an artificial lagoon were planned to be handed over to buyers already by mid 2021. Behind the project are the developers of Fumba Town, CPS.  We spoke to manager Milan Heilmann , 30,  about progress.

We see bulldozers on your 11-acre-plot near surf hot spot Paje in the midst of the popular south east coast in Zanzibar. Is your building schedule on time?

Heilmann: We are elevating the ground and erecting platforms for three of 11 planned houses with 250 one to three bedroom  apartments in total. Since the whole complex will be built with wood technology, as timber frame houses prefabricated in our “Volkshouse” factory in Fumba, the actual erection of the structure is just a matter of weeks, sometimes only days. We are on plan but of course the corona pandemic is slowing us down both in terms of selling and material supply.

Could the pandemic jeopardise the entire project?

No, we believe the opposite is the case. We hear from clients now more than ever that they re-set their priorities, Your own, self-reliant piece of Zanzibar which can even earn you money enhances security more than an uncertain hotel stay. We have calculated a return of investment of up to 20%. For the first time foreigners are legally entitled to buy property here. And our beach apartments are extremely cost-conscious, between $40,000 and $90,000 – where in the world do you get that? We have sold around 60 units.

The buyers are all surfers?

15 different nationalities so far, including Tanzanians and Kenyans. Some surfers, yes, after all Paje is considered one of the 10 best kite surfing beaches in the world. But there are other qualities appealing to an environment conscious younger generation: A wooden house cools down at night. We incorporate solar water heating, green drains, waste recycling, even our own veggie garden – the same permaculture principles as in Fumba Town.  Sustainability and independence have become more important as we all experience the frightening consequences of Corona. Invest now, relax later. Many people relate to that.

Information about The Soul beach apartments:
